Egypt Anyone been in egypt since the bombings, done any diving there or stayed in a hotel where you didn't get the shits? Discuss...
yeah a visa of sorts will be required...not sure if you just get it when you get to eygpt tho.. was going to go there til it got bombed a lot bow i'm reluctant for now
you cant let crazied savages ruin your live........ id never step foot in the toon if i let this bother me
will get there going to america which is even more dangerous (well potentially anyways) instead there was someone shooting a gun in cambodia when i was there last year
roof have u heard about thay 21 year old english girl who has been gang raped and butchered in Thailand?
i was always interested in ancient egypt when i was a youngen, now when i think of it all i can think of is a dirty antiwestern filth hole where i wouldnt piss. shame the palce has so much history some parts look beautiful