Empire last night.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TranceyDJ, May 4, 2002.

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  1. TranceyDJ

    TranceyDJ Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Empire last night.

    Just thought I'd give a bit of a review on The Empire last night.
    Quite a few in when we got in at around 23.00, but still plenty of space. We went upstairs as Jules was due to play a funky hour from 11 'til 12, he turned up at around 11.30. The place immediately became rammed with all sortsa nobbers. The guy on before him was absolutely mint, really good sorta funky/disco feel to his set, not sure who he was. Jules started off OK, looked well into it, but dropped a few sorta 'main room' tunes, which didn't fit in well at all, then got back on track with the funky stuff. A tip for all you cybers out there...it doesn't look cool to dance cyber style to funky music!
    We went downstairs at around midnight, place was fairly full but still loadsa room. Not sure who the DJ was, it wasn't Oli Faulkner, as billed, I don't think....little bloke with a balding head. Jules came on and played a bit housey/picotto style, tech sorta house, with a few trance tunes thrown in...not what I would call a very well constructed or interesting set, overall it was a little disappointing. I've read reviews lately which have said that he has been playing good trance sets, but last night wasn't one of those nights. His set was OK, but I've heard him play better...and worse.
    A few of the better tunes that I can remember:-
    Atlantic Ocean - Waterfall 2002 (Woody van Eyden remix)
    Jam X & De Leon - Can You Dig It?
    Frank T.R.A.X.X. - Nebuchan
    Ferry Corsten - Punk (awful tune I.M.O.)
    DJ Tiesto - Flight 643 (Love's On Fire)
    M Factor Mother (Altitude mix)
    10 Revelations.

    Not trying to piss Promise people off by mentioning The Empire in this thread, just thought it was general clubbing info., especially with Jules' Promise set nearing.

    Good night
    :) :)
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  3. Godscrasher

    Godscrasher Registered User

    Mar 19, 2002
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    Trancey i thought u retired from the board mate?What made u change your mind?Anyways glad ya not leaving us anyway,that comment u made ARSEHOLES was pretty interesting,i was gonna post a reply to it but stayed right out of it,i agree with you in a way bout it aswell but it has its downsides aswell.
  4. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    lol@cyber dancing to funky house, but shuffling doesn't look good either :p

    I haven't been to the empire in a long time, nor do I think I'll venture down there, from the sounds of it, it is mproving - but it also sounds like promise is still heads above it :D

    Just outa curiosity what was the crowd like?
  5. bellini


    Nov 19, 2001
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    its sposed2 got a bit better than it was a few months ago now accordng to the regs from me college...but its more or less a funky nite now, n the upstairs is sposedly better than downstairs most times now too!they do still book a weird combo of djs, specially if they actually HAVE booked picotto, lashes, tiesto n corsten along with morillo, sanchez, jules etc!
  6. TranceyDJ

    TranceyDJ Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    My experience of the Empire crowd is that it's OK if you stay away from the area in front of the DJ box. I didn't venture down there last night, I was on that sloping shelf in the middle....and I have to say that the crowd on there were well behaved and very friendly.
    They sent out a survey at the beginning of the year, asking about what people would like to see in the club. The survey was followed by a mail containing new 'rules'...no putting bottles or glasses on the floor, no sitting on the stairs, no glowsticks.....I saw all of those things happening last night! I received a mail the other day saying that people were complaining about the style of DJ's that they have been booking and they have promised to book some 'harder' type DJ's...rather than Morillo, Sanchez etc., presumably.
  7. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Sounds like they're finally getting back on track :D I think next time promise have a line-up I don't fancy (I could be waiting a long time :eek:) I might even stray down to the boro, I just can't see them regaining the ground they're slowley but surely losing to Promise...

    The Promise line-ups, events, venue, etc. just keeps going from strength to strength - unlike the shack I think Promise are very fortunate in the fact it has a very observant and clued up management team, it seem's to get better and better every time I go - this is a consistant growth curve I've only ever witnessed in a few clubs... And people are slowley picking this up, word is out in magazines and in other clubs that promise is maybe a night worth checking :D

    Wonder where we'll eb this time next year?

    But despite my loyalties I do think its about time I gave the shack another chance... just finding a night worth cancelling@promise may be very hard :eek:
  8. sloppy

    sloppy Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    at the back, observing the action...
    thats the same with me...would love to go back just out of curiosity but cant find a night worth goin to, or missin promise for...was gunna go when armin was on but never...oh well
  9. cyberted

    cyberted Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    working @ the blue corner drop in and say hello!
    couldnt aGREE more sloppy as of next week i will put full attendance in for the whole line up on the latest flyer this month just looks superdoper!!

    taucher, rob t, jules!!


  10. Passion


    Jan 14, 2002
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    I was at the shack last night and i thought jules played a wicked set,i didnt catch his funky set but i did see the cybers waiting for him to turn up,dancing to some funky tunes lol :p
    Youre dead right about staying away from the front...the only time i venture down there is to walk past it for the loo's and on the way out.We tend to hang around the top left corner of the stage.There was only one dickhead bother me all night up there...i couldnt work out if he was pissed or way too fuct,but he was absolutly mingin.

    Also...on about that survey thing,someone i know broke her ankle by slipping on one of those bottles that collect in front of the stage!! I think she got a fair amount of compo too ;)

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