Employment Rules & Regulations A little bit of a shot in the dark this but.. My old work overpaid me in my last pay cheque by £750 in November 2006, they are now asking for the money back. So does anyway know if; i need to pay the money back? If i have any rights with regards to when and how i pay it back. If this happened to anyone before or can advise in away, then it'd be most appreciated.
you'll probs have to pay it back, but seeing as its there fault i think you could pay it back as slowly as you want. But may be wrong
I would tell them you don't have the cash to pay them it all back in one go as you weren't aware they over paid you you spent the funds. strike a deal to pay it back over a long period of time
Where I've started working there's a clause in the Employee handbook which says that overpayments must be paid back but arrangements can be made for you to gradually cover it. BUT, if you're not contracted to a load of terms and conditions like that (check your files) then you don't have to.
You'll defo be able to pay it back in small installments. Unless you're working for a mob boss they have no choice really..
Re: Employment Rules & Regulations if you dont work for them any more, i'd wud'nt reply to them, for all they know you could have moved.
i was overpaid 2 grand in one job which was nice because they only ended up getting about 700 back i think
You have to repay it. Keeping it is theft. You can repay it on moreorless any reasonable timescale you dictate though.
just ring them and tell them that the person who the letter concerns has now moved out of that address
I've done a few of these at work (on behalf of the employer). You do have to pay it back - but unless they take court action you can come to an arrangement to only pay back what they overpaid you - i.e. no interest. Therefore my advice if it ever happens to anyone is to lob it straight in a high interest account and come to an arrangement to pay it back via monthly instalments - at least then you still make something off their mistake.
how much were they supposed to pay you? i no if someone deposists money in your account by accident you dont have to give it back. if you withdraw it and say you had no knowledge then they cant do anything because you had nothing to do with it, plus they cant touch your account cos its yours.
That's something totally different. And you would have to prove that you innocently withdrew the money believing it to be yours, have since used it for something, and can^'t afford to pay it back. All of which is quite hard to prove.
i never said the bank! they can obviously do it. iv been payed to much money before and been asked to return it, i asked my bank and told them i had no knowledge that it had gone in and they said its mine and they only have the right to ask for it back!