Ever wanted to be invisible? well soon it may be possible... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/5016068.stm i'm no physicist but it still seems a bit too star-trek to have any possibility of succeeding.
Re: Ever wanted to be invisible? I dunno, from what they've said it seems pretty plausible. It would be class if they actually did it. The thing is though, would they be able to turn it on and off? A bit pointless if you couldn't.
What was the film called that came out in the 80's where that teen lad made a solution that could make him invisible? MOS - you're good a remembering films and tv shows from way back when - what is it :think:
If they can make an aircracft invisible its only a matter of time before we get the first invisible soldier .... that would be some weapon like ... But the moral issues it raises would be immense .
Old news, invisibilty has been around for ages. Some of you may be suprised to hear that there is a human being in this photo...