Evil parents any1 elses ma an da tell u (when u were a bairn a course) that when the ice cream man played his tune he had no ice cream left???? or was i jus a victim of infant ownage
aye the bogeyman would come and get me if I went out my mams sight when she used to take me to her allom-tee-tom-tom (allotment in little people speak). Also, that when i grew up i could be whatever i wanted. im still waiting for that £1m chq like *scratches head*
This Asian hindu woman at work told her four year old son that Santa doesnt exist so he would appreciate her and her husbands hard work for the presents This other woman was fucking mortified when she was telling us
Until i was about 10 i thought the Greenman was actually a very small greenman pressing Red , Amber and Green buttons
my mum and dad gave away one of my kittens that I loved more than anything because it was badly behaved! They said it had ran away and an old lady had it now who was blind and had no family and her cat had just been ran over I beleived that until my dad accidently admitted the truth when he was drunk recently
so what? lying to children is despicable except to keep them from danger. why lie to them and make them more disillusioned than we are now?