exercise can any one help me choose which exercise i should take up, i need to tone up and im not very fit, hate stuff like running, please help
go to a gym they can give you expert advice and make ure your doing everything correctly and also dietry advice to
go to the gym i would say. hardest part is starting though, once you've done that you are well on your way
swimming without a doubt.. i go three times a week before or after work, does me the world of good and i stopped feeling shattered and generally unmotivated... plus theres always a fine selection off student ass
tried pilates but too much concentration and breathing involved plus i got no balance so that was a disastor
a series of inflatables geared for the little kids to run over and get to the end. didn't stop us having a go (and getting laughed at by all the kids)
sounds fun, ill probably stick to a few lengths like, not to learn to run before i can walk n all that
Martial Arts - Kickboxing or Karate or something. Now that will whip you into shape in double quick time.