Exotic Pets just been giving the snake a bath. She thouroughly enjoyed it, altho is probably a little confused cos she's had a bath before shes shed. Was just wondering whether anyone else has any 'exotic' pets? Cats and dogs and bunny rabbits are lovely but something different can be something special I have Sylvia, A 5'6'' carolina corn snake who is absolutly gorgeous with red and orange back and perfect black and white checkerboard underneath. And Drutt, a chille rose tarantula..who is sweet in his own way...and is a world class cricket killer.
I have a three foot cornsnake.... unfortunately the new place im moving to doesnt allow pets, so im buggered if i know what im going to do with the poor thing.
we're not allowed pets in this place, so we begged and pleaded to let drutt and sylvia here. She eventually said ok, as long as they stay in their tanks...which drutt does
bunch of *****! I want a snake, lizard and a tortoise My mam has her foot down about anything that needs to be fed live food and that includes frozen mice. Take some pics