Ex's People who've kind of stayed in touch ish with their ex's do you ever find it weird when they don't leave you alone? Mines doing my nut in at the moment, he split up with me ages ago and from then i decided i'd never get in touch with him unless he got in touch with me. however from that point he's text, rung, msn-ed etc found out he got a new girlfriend pretty soon after we broke up. It's driving me mad i don't mnd seeing him from time to time round uni or out in town but i don't have much to say to him any more. Rant over sorry, just he popped up on msn now to chat and to be honest i can't be arsed!!!
tell him you have nothnig to say to him & that he should leave you alone....if he won't then tell him to take his face for a shit
hmmmm i don't know we had "issues" when we were together so think he's trying to prove something, sad thing is he's popped up saying "hey" with a picture of him and his girl, smack in my face. nice! its just pathetic really as hes as nice as pie to my face and says stupid things like " i miss you" which really annoys me but then he makes out how i'm the one not over him to everyone else. Cock!
Just tell him you have a new boyfriend who is in the S.A.S and that he is the jealous/protective type
interesting thought............. i do have my eye on someone and told the ex and the response was "what do i want to know that for?" ha ha jealous much?
ha ha calm yourselves you lot! lets just put it i don't think we were compatible for many reasons especially in that area