F.A.O jimmy arite mate, bored at work...... we need to liven this place up a bit.! any ideas.... just need some good craic goin since its friday!
boooo ... stuck @ feckin work, been clock watchin since 11, dyin to get out on the rip tonight.............................
ello, i saw this and decided to interupt and ask you how your 20 week scan went! Did you find out if they are boys or girls or one of each? I havn't the willpower to keep it a secret Have you felt them move yet? My belly jumps about all over the place and it's daddy is missing it all
20 week scan was amazing, you could see their little fingers and everything, we aint gonna find out what sex they are tho, gonna be a bit of a suprise. They move all they time, its class, the kicks are getting stronger every day. How are you doing Helz? I was gonna pm u but I forgot sorry
I'm fine! stuck in england though till after the birth now cus of visa problems....so i'm gonna go have a look at the RVI maternity unit cus they have a birthing pool (although your not allowed to give birth in it!!) I'm glad i found out that he's a boy though, when i'm feeling sorry for myself i go for retail therapy and you can buy bags full of cute baby clothes at the NEXT clearance shop at dalton park on the A19 for really cheap! babies don't mind if it's last seasons stuff. Get yourself straight down there after they're born! I know what u mean bout the kicks getting stronger....im frightened he's gonna break his waters he kicks that much lol. He plays little games too like i find his foot and press on it and he kicks it really hard then moves it somewhere else. Probably getting dead pissed off at me but its my evening entertainment!
Class, we've bought shitloads of clothes but just whites and yellows, once they're born we'll be buying the pink or blue stuff lol. I'll check out that Next place, sounds pretty good! Pleased you're OK hun!
there isn't much whites and yellows about really is there. I think i drained every shop of uni sex clothing on both sides of the atlantic within a few weeks . anyway....take care of your missus! ( and you might get lucky n get a fathers day present!)