Facebook Events Anybody know how to block invites from non-friends? I'm sick of recieving invites to events that I have absolutely no interest in, from people I've never heard of! How come they can message me anyway?! Fucks sake!!
They can message you because you've been invited to their event. If you decline they can't message you. Problem is no matter how many times you decline some events another "friend" then invites you so you end up getting spammed to fuck. Tres annoying, specially when i get spammed by nights i'll nevee attend or go near like house nights and hardstyle nights.
it's on the front page of the paper (forgot which one) Mi6 etc are monitoring facebook for Terrorists communicating Bollocks, one of the MI staff have been caught playing on fucking facebook in the office and used that as their excuse can just picture some serious faced suited man bein caught & cumun up with that.
you say that tho rory, but i was looking on a few muslim groups (god knows why) and i actually reported some of them because there was some proper hardcore anti-west/britain shit on them.
Niaz Hussain wrote at 05:27 on 23 March 2009 I am a Gay Muslim! And my boyfriend is Jewish Does the Curran say anything about that? When I die I would like to go heaven and if I die as a martyr, I would like that the virgins to be young men with tight assholes. Allah is love!
T'was on the news this morning that the government are going to be able to see who we speak to on the net, they will be monitoring social network accounts, another "anti terrorism" rule
Just got in n caught the news, facebook, Myspace & Bebo have all agreed together Not to give out any information we send, such as messages. But we all know MI & the Gouvernment will find a way around that
Yeah exactly. People should be allowed to snoop on us so long as they are middle class brits. and white.
Just logged onto me myspace, n it now has the IM features on the bottom of the page just like facebook all they do is nick ideas from eachother those like .