Fao Everyone Clocks go forward an hour tonight No excuses for sleeping in an hour and being late for work :tut: (Just incase any of you didn't know!)
i'd forgot bout this when i volunteered myself for overtime tomorrow morning after working til 10 2nite!
Same as a mate of mine...he starts work tomorrow at 7.30am...said it "won't be that bad" even though he's going out tonight. I was like "You do know that it'll really be 6.30am in today's time" His response..."Fuck"
I hate my job too, and everyone would use the excuse...but they put signs up ALL OVER the place and so you're "not allowed" to use the excuse. Someone else said that you should go in 2hrs late and say you thought the clocks went back That'd be a new one!
Just realised, been conned into swappin a shift @ work, now im gunna have to get up real early :evil:
See? Isn't it good I posted this thread? Now we all know how much less sleep we're going to get tonight
I was up at 4.30am (3.30am by yesterdays time) for work this morning Even worse was everyone just getting in from Zabelia and saying how mint it was I fucking hate farmers :evil: