FAO Godscrasher/Spud ive just fixed up a new avatar with some crazy ass glasses....similar to the style of David Dickinson himself, any chance you can stick just the one of those sparkly things like on glitter angels ontop of the ring that is on the left hand? if it aint to mush bother....cheers
its nice like but as that nice man of catchphrase, its good, but its not the one! LOL is the request that i made on the edge of being an impossibility? what software do u do make all the crazy stuff anyhoo?
Spud that aint doing owt mate.... I use animation shop 3.17 or summit from jakstart.nowt to do wiv paint shop pro
Oh and spud..i will be crowned king of all avatar makers,just you wait my son,just you wait. *evil laugh*
if you want to download anything,and i mean anything..go to www.download.com type in what you want,and it will come up with thousands,some are free some are free to try,but there worth it. type in animation shop 3 for the programme ive got
that is absoloutley awsome, thanx a lot....i will be makin my own soon if i get that programme downloaded (plenty of spare time) so watch out and keep a tight hold of that crown cos i will be cummin to get it
Lol... But just wait... if we start being allowed 2 use flash for our avatars.... i kno me stuff with flash *Mwahahahahahaa*:evil: :groovy:
AAhh flash....bring it on...Macromedia shockwave do a wikkid programme aswell,ive created a couple of good bouncing balls with that programme,they bounce really high aswell. bring it on.... Why cant we use flash on here yet?
I made a quality flash movie once, was very childish (it involved MrT... say no more), but i thought it was funny.... couldnt get the filesize anywhere near acceptable tho, so could'nt show it to the world