ffs is there any way to remove 'new gay chat' from the top of the screen? I've just realised that anyone walking past will think that it's the title of this website. My mam is gonna think I'm a regular on some new gay chat forum
for the IT savvy amongst us simply add this line to your hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts - open with notepad) pagead2.googlesyndication.com (copy and paste) save, close, restart browser...no more gay chat shite. or any other google adsense ad for that matter. From chrisuks post in the other thread
Re: ffs is there any way to remove 'new gay chat' from the top of the screen? are you getting tempted to click on it?
Re: Re: ffs is there any way to remove 'new gay chat' from the top of the screen? no the gay chat room in my favourites list is more than likely better anyway..
Re: Re: ffs is there any way to remove 'new gay chat' from the top of the screen? You know this from your own experiences non?
there's something very gay going on which we haven't picked up on yet. It's supposed to relate to the content on the website.