film making

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jamie_Bracken, Oct 29, 2007.

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  1. Jamie_Bracken

    Jamie_Bracken Registered User

    Apr 24, 2003
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    The Bay
    film making

    film making
    just wondering what people on here know about it, ive been recording some stuff and editing it on windows movie maker but im thinking of taking it a bit more seriously can anyone give me advice on it, like decent equipment and software

    heres one i made earlier

    [ame=""]YouTube- when your strange by white noise productions[/ame]
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    your video's not bad but [ame=]this one[/ame] is better ;)

    All I've ever done is edit and muck about with vids so I know bot all camera wise. Software wise:

    If you're starting out you can't do much worse software wise than windows movie maker - it's no nonsense and allows you to get the basics done. It comes free with windows so you don't have to shell out for it.

    If you're after something with a bit more power I'd recommend Sonic Foundry Vegas - used it before and I was really impressed with it :up:
  4. ScottofshieldS

    ScottofshieldS Paranoid Android

    Jun 15, 2006
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    The coastal town that they forgot to pull down.
    I studied it for 5 years, A-Level & Degree.

    There are relatively cheap but good quality entry level cameras such as the Canon XM2 or the Sony DCR-VX2100E. I bought my first camera second hand off eBay a few years ago. I don't know how much money you've got but this might be your best option. If your patient you'll find a decent one with minumim use for a good price. I upped my game recently so my latest camera is:

    I edit on a Mac using Final Cut Express HD and highly recommend this programme. It is fucking immense. On my course we edited on PC with external hard drives and the Media 100 programme. A Mac/Final cut is so much faster and more fluid with much shorter render times.

    Then after that you've got to think about decent mics and sound recording equipment. Solid state recording (recording uncompressed onto flash cards) is the norm these days. But that is a whole other kettle of very expensive fish, haha.

    Any other questions just drop me a line.

  5. Jamie_Bracken

    Jamie_Bracken Registered User

    Apr 24, 2003
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    The Bay
    well my budget on the camera is like 500 squid, i dnt want a camera that size like, i want something quite small and portable with excellent definition if possible and alot of memory like 40gb if podssible ive been looking at the sony handycams and i think they are what am going to go for what ya think

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