Fire drills/alarms!!! Really...what is the obsession with them. Happily sat in uni on the comps on the 4th floor of a building, got hustled out then no sooner had i stepped out the door we were told to turn round and go back????!!! mad! Anyone remember the dreaded school fire drills getting moved out onto the school playing fields come rain, sun, snow or hail! being told to move in silence so we could hear the "screams" of anyone in danger! even if they knew it was just a drill...
i would have loved it to interrupt my lecture in half an hour but seeing as i'd just cracked so gay ass stats thats taken me yonks i was a wee bit miffed!
We have our fire alarms tested at 9am every Wednesday and it still scares me every time. Hardly ever get to actually leave the office and waste time outside though, gutted.
some scouse wife was trying to keep me on the phone during a fire drill needless to say i told her to ring back
living in halls, in my first year of uni, i swear to god the alarm used to go off at least once a week, usually at about 4 in the morning
Re: Fire drills/alarms!!! Dreaded? At my school they were anticipated. Got to stand about outside for a while and do fuck all. Then I'd head back inside and do fuck all.