First Present Opened Bill Bailey DVD and Bonkers 15 CD laugh at bonkers all u want, but i still love the stuff what u lot sneaked open tonight?
i am santa but instead of mince pie i had lines and a bottle of wine COME ON!!!! i just heard bells on my roof!!! SWEAR TO GOD LIKE HOO!
Got that. Gonna be christening it with family tomorrow. Also got additional questions for cranium so looking forward to festive frolics
cranium is the dogs does anyone have not pictionary, the one where u have to give explanations but not mention the word and work your way round the board???? i cant believe i cant remember then name of it!
Articulate is a time for laughs and tears as you slowly start ripping someones face off for cheating ah happy days
My brothers bought the reindeer buckaroo for my other sister Funny as Lol sure we'll all be playing cards after xmas dinner too. The joys of christmas........Love it. And santa's just been with loads of knickers and socks and toiletries, can't wait till tomorrow
santa has been wanking with the knickers on his head, while smelling the toilettries to rid of the smell of fish
Fair play to him , guess he must have to get as much enjoyment as possible from his one night of fame