flag burning the government are considering making it illegal to burn the union jack. what do you think?
Re: flag burning I really couldnt give a fuck. My brother on the other hand is all for it, hes a total patriotic freak.
ppl who do this shud be sent back to where they fucking came from or set on fire which would be cheaper
typical of british politics... rather than dealing with the issue of people showing huge hostility towards occidental nations, they ban the burning of flags because that's going to stop extremism.
If anyone hates this country enough to burn its flag in some sort of lame protest then they should just find another one! It isn't hard
if its peopl fro another country who hav moved here who are burning our flag then they shouldnt really have many contrainsts keeping them from moving to a ntion of their choosing if they hate ours so much. burnin the flag is mor than showing disgust for our government, its showing disrespect for everything/everyone in our country and our values. burning the flag should basically be burning your british passport. if they hate our country so much then why oh why dont they jsut move to a country which best fits them. queue pc brigade but you'll find most flag burners appear to be from muslim nations. they know what they can do the second words off and its preceeded by piss