flying just about to set off for the airport and my heart sinks at the 2 hour check in wait and the security and the herding us about like cattle and the ban on liquids and shoes and all the rest of it. who would be up for a two tier system where you either go through all the security and have some (mistaken IMO) idea you might be safe, or a flight you walk straight on and take your chances?
Re: flying well if that was the case what's stopping a terrorist using your idea and walking through the lacks security bit with a bag full of c4 or weapon?
I love the airport! Shops, beer, food, beer, fruit machines, etc, etc. The time flies over!:spangled:
We just got stuck in Ibiza airport for hours because our flight was delayed. I think we were there from 10pm til 2am.
Re: Re: flying well there wouldn't be. but there were 29,000,000 flights last year. how many would have terrorists on them ? I reckon it would be worth the chance. After all the next cowie you neck is more likely to kill you than the terrorists. or crossing the road. we are useless at estimating risk.
Re: Re: Re: flying thats gotta be a lie! 29 mil?! anyways i dont think terrorists will target stuff like planes now anyway, its been done to death (literally) with all the daft security measures in airports now i think they'd prefer to target something a little more inconspicous. for example the ferry over to amsterdam.... they didnt even check me bags or nowt going there AND coming back! any dodgey fucker could have had the boat away lol. AND, people who just sit there when a terrorist is holding the plane up with a plastic knife is fucking daft. people with balls would have nutted the fucker and locked him in the bog.
Why not lift the ban on drink driving too and just hope people don't do it out of the goodness of their heart.
The reason we don't get that many terrorists on planes is because of the high security. If you take that security away you would more than likely see an increase in attacks. The odds of crashing your car is quite low if you take into account the amount of journeys you make in it. Would you stop wearing your seatbelt to save those valuable 5 seconds it takes to fasten it and unfasten it? If, for the sake of a slight inconvience, it will save my life then it doesn't bother me. I make, at the most, 4 plane journeys a year. It's not like you have to go through it every day of the week.
only partly a joke. newcastle airport is one thing but heathrow is a bloody hell hole. everybody has to take off their shoes because one dim wit years ago failed to let off a banger in his heel. you can't take a tube of toothpaste with you cos someone failed to make a bomb in the bog. and on and on. its not 5 seconds in an airport its hours and hours there has to come a point at which the security becomes so much that its not worth flying. thats the point at which the terrorists have won. do we have to be so craven?
I would be more worreid about the amount of people "k" / cowie driving tbh you are more likely to die in a road accident via a collision with some pre 25 year old charv person than going on any plane journey