FRAGILE Flyer Girls / Boys

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Paul Lancaster, Jul 8, 2003.

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  1. Paul Lancaster

    Paul Lancaster Registered User

    Jun 18, 2002
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    Newcastle Upon Tyne, England
    FRAGILE Flyer Girls / Boys

    FRAGILE Launch Party @ World Headquarters

    Thursday 14th August

    Tyler Stadius (Fabric, London)
    Paul Lancaster (Sabotage / Climax Recordings / CP Recordings)
    Andy Walker (Fragile)

    In the next few weeks I'll be looking for some reliable people to help hand out flyers around town and generally spread the word by email, text or whatever way you think is effective.

    This is the opening night of FRAGILE and for such a big name DJ to come across from Canada to play in Newcastle he deserves to play to a full crowd.

    For anyone that's interested in sparing a few hours during the week or one weekend between now and 14th August please send an email to me at

    I'll make it worth your while! :D
  2. 1615634792921.png

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