Free Parking in and around town. I'm going to play an extra for Goal tomorrow, and I need to be in town between 2 and 12(midnight). There's no way I'm paying that many hours worth of parking tax, and I can't get the bus home. What time does the metro finish? Is it worth leaving my car at West Jesmond metro station and getting the metro from ST James'/Monument to there at midnight or are there any streets/areas that you can reccomend trying?
Re: Free Parking in and around town. Last metro from St. James is 11.30pm, but you can walk down to Haymarket/Monument, and from midnight there's one every 4-5mins (12am, 12.04, 12.10, 12.18, 12.21, 12.27, 12.30)..the last being 12.30am. They all terminate around S. Gosforth but they'll get you to West Jesmond Though I also say go to Smile
Free Parking?? Is there ANY free parking in town??? :think: Cos its well hidden. Theres a car park near St James that's only £1 an hr
Park in shieldfield, thats where i park every morning then it's a 6 min walk into town. and it's free!
Park in jesmond, you have to park further back these days in the free parking bits, just walk from west jesmond, its only 15 mins walk.
Yogi, bear in mind I'm young and vulnerable - would it be wise to walk across town into Jesmond at midnight on a Monday night when there's violent drunks like Revel out on the prowl?
over tyne bridge from gateshead, turn past warners, next set of lights, hang a left, past the harley garage and look for some council flats car parks. Free and only 5 mins walk to town. 8 mins if u walk as slow as me. 9 mins if i'm having a tab and trying to struggle over the foot bridge.