Like you cant tell when a lad/lass has been to the bigs in Foundation eh Proper scruffy scallie goes in and comes out smelling like fenwicks cosmetics dept
it's really boiling my piss @ the bogs now - im drinking less to avoid going to the toilet it's not just foundation either.. its funny how you don't see white people doing it anymore like at tall trees?
Annoying as. Was in Bar 55 last night. Went for a piss, did what i had to do, then headed for the door and the troll grabs me by the arm. I said two words, which match exactle Choice 2 on your poll Nass.
they dont bother me as long as they aint too pushy. the ones in 55 have 'blocked' me from leaving before... i gave him the same answer...
no need it would be far more convenient if there was a machine dishing out those tiny bottled samples for like £2 a go then they would last you all night. the only thing is the toilets wouldnt be clean
Ive no problem with them being there. I dont like being grabbed though. Its your choice whether to 'freshen up' or not.
the toilets in Foundation are a joke like! about 5 times out of 10 ive walked in and theyve been flooded!
I don't mind them being there.. but when they try and wash my hands for me that pisses me off.. Also I can't remember where I was, but I was holding something and put it down on the edge of the sink for two seconds while I put my phone in my bag, and the daft bint started pointing at the bin and telling me to use it.. when I was going to pick the thing back up again.. grr.:spangled:
i hate that, especially when they try to hand u a paper towl and just for doing that u gotta give them cash! like noway, i have the capability of doing it myself thankyou!!
same here sometimes but i can see how GUTTED they are when i don't put a quid in for their 'services'. i hate that feeling..
None of them have ever gone mental with me really! I love princess in the toilets at foundation she's fab And the old grandma women in Eden