Fuming!! FUMING! *seeths in a corner* all wk i've been planning a big night out in manchester this evening with my mate, however i wake up to a text this morning that says "Not been paid, not happy" She's just started a new job so she wasn't sure when she'd get paid. Now do i go and leave her at home or do i stay in (Again) and watch dvd's with her? I passed my college course a month a go and STILL haven't been out to celebrate. I can't afford to lend her any cash either. Bum fucker wank. what shld i do??
I can solve my own problems THANK YOU very much. It's just that she's not been out in ages either and i want to go play, i can afford to pay for a few beers for her, i've even suggested we get drunk b4 we go out but she's not having any of it, she's all mopy and boring. Aqua bar, :shock: bloody hell, not been there since i was 18 think the safest thing for me to do is go round with wine, lull her into thinking we're staying in then when she's pissed get her to get changed and drag her out. Women!! Bloody pains in the arse....
Re: Re: Fuming!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh BInary, now there's a thought, not been there in well over a yr, been wking fri nights and sat days, mmm, the plot thickens....
ahhhh, it's all coming together now like (sorry that was a VERY BAD newcastle impression - * awaits back lash*) if my mate Fish is going and Paul i may bob down, could do with a bloody good night out, leave my mate @ home with a bottle of wine and some shit dvd. NB: Does this make me a bad person? probably.... :moon: