Funniest story doing the rounds this week involves Xanda, Geoff & Andre's house not being ready for the umpteenth time How long are you going to let your landlord keeping pissing all over you boys? Get some balls and walk away Homeless urchins
north west of england. I've got a joke you'll like pike. Beauticians in london are going bust because police have starting doing brazillians for free
Ok so the three muskerhounds are now located...... Andre = Back at his Ma's in Billy Alex = Back at his Ma's in Manc Geoff = Unknown last seen following Sian around Heaton like a puppy
JEFF is back and his mums to, davey is living at the no names and lil dave is at marissa and bigdaves. I'm getting so right grief today on the board, its' quite funny.
seroiusly tho why dont you fuck the landlord off, i am sure u could another one in the same complex for the same money. the landlord has borke his agreement so you should be able to get any moneys back in full
I know we want to but its finding somewhere, we need big rooms cause I've got some much stuff, it has to be nice because can't be arsed living anywhere shit. Also I'm in macclesfield so I casn't look and all the other work all day ao they can't look, I went to look at another property yesterday when I came up to get the riest of my stuff, but it wasn't big enough.