funny games you play with workmates to amuse yourself at work my fave is follow the hotties round the shop, and hound them by asking them if they need any help. After they've been asked for help by about seven different employees they tend to get a little suspect
used to work in a sports shop... use footwear mirrors to look up lasses kilts simple ones are the best
only JD SPORTS has angular mirrors I know cos I worked there too and practiced that technique ALL the time
the till was bang in the middle of thge shop floor, shoes on both walls on either side... THATS why there's always lads on the tills in there yes - i'm going to hell.
never worked in a sport shop b4 but i think im gunn ahve to go "look for some new trainie's" me thinks thanks boyz for showing me the error of my ways i just used to lie down on the floor and look up on busy street but for some reason it become on top!LOL
when i was at school i worked at somerfields, we had the somerfield olympics. a number of events that included a variation of products and equipment. i have the extreme trolley driving gold medal, i nearly got a broken nose earning it though.
When your walking through work fall over on purpose infront of everyone. the differnet reactions that you get are mint
A game i used to love playing at Northern Rock with my mate was piss everyone else off by talking about the shittest things ever loud enough for them to hear. An example was "who would be better at processing bond maturities, Superman or Johnny 5 from short circuit. Then going into lots of points about the pros and cons of each. We lasted about an hour before someone told us to "shut the fuck up" Another good game we played was spread the rumours. The best one was that there was going to be a mass lay off which got everyone in a panic but then we ended up getting layed off ourselves
me nd a couple of my mates did a simmilar thing at the metro centre, we were trying to see how many people we could get funny looks off. i lost but the reaction i got was quality when i walked past a resteraunt turned round to my mates and shouted "the bitch gave me crabs"