funny momment of teh week!!!! jeryy and me were makeing a comic book one day called "SPACE ADVENTURES PATROL" and jerry's sistar came into the room and she started yelling at me AND saying that i was stareing at her last night through her window when she was haveing sex with her boyfriend but THAT WAS NOT TRUE I WAS LOOKING FOR JERRY BUT I WAS LOOKING IN TEH WRONG ROOM AND I KEPT STAREING BECAUSE I THOUGHT JERRY WOULD WALK IN BUT HE NEVER DID and jerry's sistar was handcuffed to teh bed but i am not sure that her boyfriend was a police officer. SOOOO i kept watching and i took pictares of her hair but teh flash went off so i ran away because i didnt want teh policeman to get me. ANYWAYS, next day we were makeing teh comic book and i was drawing "SPACE CREATARE X" and jery was working on "SPACE KILLCRICK" and then his sistar came in and started yelling and throwing stuff and Jerrys' mom came in and dropped the groceries and jerry ate a crayon and i ran home again and pretended there was spaceships chaseing me the end