
Discussion in 'Fun Stuff' started by Basic Instinct, Oct 16, 2004.

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  1. Basic Instinct

    Basic Instinct Registered User

    Jun 7, 2003
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    The Weakest Link, BBC1/BBC2

    Anne Robinson: In traffic, what "J" is where two roads meet?
    Contestant: Jool carriageway.

    Anne Robinson: Which Italian city is overlooked by Vesuvius?
    Contestant: Bombay.

    Robinson: What insect is commonly found hovering above lakes?
    Contestant: Crocodiles.
    Robinson: Wh...?
    Contestant (interrupting): Pass!

    Anne Robinson: In olden times, what were minstrels, travelling entertainers
    or chocolate salesmen?
    Contestant: Chocolate salesmen.

    Robinson: The Bible, the New Testament. The Four Gospels were written by
    Matthew, Mark, Luke and...?
    Contestant: (long pause) Joe?

    National Lottery Jet Set, BBC1
    Eamonn Holmes: What's the name of the playwright commonly known by the
    initials G.B.S.?
    Contestant: William Shakespeare.

    Chris Searle Show, BBC Radio Bristol
    Searle: In which European country is Mount Etna?
    Caller: Japan.
    Searle: I did say which European country, so in case you didn't hear that,
    I can let you try again.
    Caller: Er... Mexico?

    Family Fortunes, ITV
    1) Something a blind man might use? A Sword
    2) A Song with the word Moon in the title? Blue Suede Moon
    3) Name the Capital of France? F
    4) Name a bird with a long Neck? Naomi Campbell
    5) Name an occupation where you might need a torch? A burglar
    6) Where is the Taj Mahal? Opposite the Dental Hospital
    7) What is Hitlers first name ? Heil
    Cool A famous Scotsman? Jock
    9) Some famous brothers ? Bonnie and Clyde.
    10) A dangerous race ? The Arabs
    11) Something that floats in a bath ? Water
    12) An item of clothing worn by the Three Musketeers? A horse
    13) Something you wear on a beach ? A deckchair
    14) A famous Royal ? Mail
    15) Something that flies that doesn't have an engine? A bicycle with wings
    16) A famous bridge ? The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
    17) Something a cat does ? Goes to the Toilet
    1Cool Something you do in the bathroom ? Decorate
    19) A method of securing your home ? Put the kettle on
    20) Something associated with pigs ? The Police
    21) A sign of the Zodiac ? April
    22) Something people might be allergic to ? Skiing
    23) Something you do before you go to bed ? Sleep
    24) Something you put on walls ? A roof
    25) Something Slippery ? A conman
    26) A kind of ache ? A fillet of fish
    27) A Jacket Potato topping ? Jam
    2Cool A food that can be brown or white ? A potato
    29) Something sold by gypsies? Bananas
    30) Something Red? My sweater

    The Afternoon Programme Quiz, ABC 774
    Presenter: Who killed **** Robin?
    Contestant: Oh God, I didn't even know he was dead.

    Lincs FM phone-in
    Presenter: Which is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world?
    Contestant: Barcelona.
    Presenter: I was really after the name of a country.
    Contestant: I'm sorry, I don't know the names of any countries in Spain.

    Steve Wright Show, Radio 2
    Wright: On which continent would you find the River Danube?
    Contestant: India.

    Wright: The leader of the orchestra plays which musical instrument?
    Contestant: The baton.

    Wright: What is the Italian word for motorway?
    Contestant: Expresso.

    Wright: What is the capital of Australia? And it's not Sydney.
    Contestant: Sydney.

    Wright: What was the animal referred to in Val Doonican's song Paddy
    Contestant: I don't know.
    Wright: It begins with a "G".
    Contestant: Cow.

    This Morning, ITV
    Judy Finnegan: The American TV show 'The Sopranos' is about opera. True or
    Contestant: True ?
    Finnegan: No, actually, it's about the Mafia. But it is an American TV
    show, so I'll give you that.

    BBC Radio Newcastle
    Paul Wappat: How long did the Six Day War between Egypt and Israel last?
    Contestant (after long pause): Fourteen days.

    Bob Hope Birthday Quiz, LBC
    Presenter: Bob Hope was the fifth of how many sons?
    Contestant: Four.

    BBC GMR, Phil Wood Show
    Wood: What "K" could be described as the Islamic Bible?
    Contestant: Er...
    Wood: It's got two syllables... Kor...
    Contestant: Blimey?
    Wood: Ha ha ha ha no. The past participle of run...
    Contestant: (Silence)
    Wood: OK, try it another way. Today I run, yesterday I...
    Contestant: Walked?

    Daryl's Drivetime, Virgin Radio
    Daryl Denham: In which country would you spend shekels?
    Contestant: Holland?
    Denham: Try the next letter of the alphabet.
    Contestant: Iceland? Ireland?
    Denham (helpfully): It's a bad line. Did you say Israel?
    Contestant: No.
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  3. Basic Instinct

    Basic Instinct Registered User

    Jun 7, 2003
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    Re: Funnys

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. Guest

    Re: Re: Funnys

    They were the two i was nearly crying at! :lol:

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