Garlic Does anybody know why you can smell this coming from peoples bodies if theyve eaten it? Where does it come from?
breath and sweat i think :think: its a strong food so if you eat enough you can smell of it, same with spicy foods.
Yeah it comes out of your pores. Me and mum were stood behind this guy in Boots once who was sweating out curry. Well, not literally like.
worse is when someones got the alcohol swats!eurgh its hideous all you can smell is a vodkas type strong acohol type smell.... :spangled:
Apparently if you rub loads of garlic on the soles of your feet it will eventually show up on your breath doesnt off much in the way of an answer to the question though lol
apparantly if you have been chopping garlic and have stinky fingers, all you have to do is grap a piece of stainless steel (i.e. a chopping knife) and run col water over your hands while holding onto the metal and it removes it!
i made a stir fry last week using fresh garlic for a change rather than granules, and my hands stunk for about 4 days its lush though