Gcse Just wanted to share my delight, my son has always been a total waster at school. Never been interested no matter how much i have tried to help or bribe him. All he thinks about is skateboarding, he is semi pro now with 2 major sponsors. He has only gone and got 10 passes. Am i over the moon. Mind you its hiting me in the pocket now lol
Like i said he hated school so no chance of college i am working with one of his sponsors to take him to the states early next year so a few talent scouts can have a look at him and see if he would make the grade as a pro boarder. Fingers crossed.
ive skated there before like, really good, shame about the fruit booters and bmx's tho, and the kids on scoootays...
he skates mainly in newcastle but gets all over the country from london to glasgow to aberdeen, you name it he has skated it
he has loads somewhere he is actually doing a one now for another potential sponsor but i dont have any yet