George Lamb- Can I Get High Legally? Dunno if anyone caught this last night. Documentary in which George Lamb dives into the world of legal party pills and herbal highs.
i hate that twat. was it typical 'drugs are bad' type rubbish. I like how the only difference between a person being GOOD or BAD is whether or not the government decides it. Using drugs is using drugs ... be it caffeine, alcohol, asprin, prescription drugs or whatever - Either way you are using chemicals to change how your body functions normally.
i had to laugh at the guy who had an advert offering delivery in the guernsey yellow pages. £61 for whatever he bought seemed a bit expensive for what he got. have to agree that he is a weapon.
he's a complete plank, bit greedy IMO he's had his hayday leaping about on pills, now he's grown up he's just wanting to spoil it for everyone. cock
Watching this just made me want to get massively on it He's a complete tit but he was pretty impartial all the way through
I was suprised the way it was done, it wasnt really anti drug or anything.Decent program I thought.I loved the doctor who said he would rather people were necking MDMA than the legals
I laughed at how he made such a big deal about taking the Salvia, then told the doc he used to get reet on the pills, gak etc
I dont understand what people are so miffed about. He was a bit melodramatic about the effects legals COULD have (example being when he was talking with the doctor) but never once reminded us that they might not either. But thats besides the point anyway. People should be aware of what they are putting in their bodys and what the effects are. If they dont that could be down to ignorance but people selling or manufacturing the stuff should have the responsibility to make sure the information is there for users to read at least.
you don't know most of what you are putting in your body. fruit is blathered in chemicals so are most veg. There are thousands of food additives, no one knows how they work in combination. cows were fed other cows brains. It's all lottery.