Getting A Contract Fone reet folks im biting the bullet and getting a contract fone im gunna get the new sony erricson fone with the mint camera whats the best thing to go with, i want to be with orange or 02 and i wanna pay £25 a month and want the most amount of minites and txts and all round best deal
o2 have some really good deals at the minute, especially if you take out an 18month contract. I got 400 mins and 500 texts for £20 a month I just got the k850i yesterday and i'm in love with it I really liked my k800i, but this is fantastic, they have improved all the flaws with the k800i. eg, the camera shutter is built into the phone now, and doesn't switch itself on randomly when it's in your pocket, it lets you film with light on! touch screen is mint, and it even has a built in motion sensor for when you play games on it
theres neeway they would give me a k850i and all them minutes and text for £20 quid and the phone being free. im with vodafone and always get skanked on deals, dunno whether to keep me x820 ultra and get a cheaper tarrif, bit of a ballache not being able to save much onto it but i like how its thin as fuk
you'll not be able to get the deal I got, as I'm a select customer and get money knocked off my bill coz i've been with them for years, it's a loyalty reward. but they will have loads of decent tarrifs to choose from, alot better anyway if you choose an 18month contract. Just insure your phone via your bank incase it breaks, altho you do actually get a decent guarantee with it anyway. best thing to do is go into one of the shops and barter with them i've always found phones4u to be good for haggling
i shall go 2morro and walk around the shops and even go into the 02 shop, will i lie and say i got offered a better deal at so and so and try 2 pressure them
aint nowt wrong with the coupe, ive got a box of tissues on the parcel shelf the lot now, proper look the part
yeah just tell them you've been offered such and such tarriff for £25 a month, which includes so many minutes and texts, and ask them if they can beat it. 9 times out of 10 they will, or at least try, because it's a sale for them
but if any1 else can give me tips or where 2 go 2 get the most for my money and a handset i want please let me know
Ive broke my k810i & dont want to buy a new one, do u reckon i'll be able to take out some insurance leave it for a couple of weeks then claim on it then?
Im on T-Mobile, I get £180 calling credit and free evening and weekend calls for £35 a month. My phone is mint to, the K810i, I love it
Get one with 02 : Free Sony Ericsson K810i 1000 Txts a month 600 Mins Free Voicemail Free Picture Messages Free Calls Sat/Sun/Mon 35 beefs a month.