Gladiator Tune! Rumours is that this is going to be the new Jurgen Vries tune. Busy man atm is Mr Tate
no 11 probably if it gets the airplay and a good record label. Vocals should be taken out of it tho she sings to loud that lass called Izzy
You know the names of alot of tunes however you have never been clubbing or played to a crowd and u dont know how a tune can impact people from those angles. Before I started going clubbing and playing out there are certain tunes I used to think were ace but looking back they were either cheesy or just shite. I'm not saying this is true in every case but i'm sure most of the DJ's and serious clubbers on here will believe me. Moral of the story - Darude needs to go out clubbing...
Didnt Johan Gielen play this at the last Promise!! Its an Ok tune! bit on the cheesy side, if i heard it in a club id Nod my head to it, but thats about it!