Glazby in county durham? it says on his site that hes playing for sundiss in county durham.. any one nkow anything bout it? it's on the 21st feb..
i hope so.. she plays her part in the plan.. keep glazzas busy with her box while i go thru and steal his.
keep him busy with her box? your mum could keep him in her box, it's that fucking big. welly top, anyone?
Wasn't he playing in Spennymoor or sumthing? There was a thread a while back. I think it was him. Might have been in the Whats On forum tho.
It could possibly be the Cube Club in Spennymoor...can remember Nick Rafferty played there a while back
Fook me....didn't realise they had as good line-ups! Think I might be paying 'em a visit shortly. Got to be better than going to Durham!
Don't mock....they're my local haunts!! And I am being serious unfortunately...although the last time I was in either was a fair while ago now