Global 08 VIP im really not to convinced about the global website, well anyway ive kinda fell off the clubbing bandwagon over the last few years and was wondering what peoples view of VIP tickets were?
Re: Global 08 VIP Personally I'd never pay for VIP. Got given it free at Global once and it was crap. Only difference was it took a bit longer for the portaloos to run out of bogroll & overflow with shit. But by the end they were in an even worse state than the normal ones coz there was only a few of them. Spent all my time in the tents anyway. Last year some people were complaining that the VIP area was in a crappy position and they couldn't see/hear bugger all of what was going on. Hopefully will make it down this year just for the Saturday, don't wanna be bothered with camping, but can't see any single-day prices, presume they'll go on sale nearer the time
shit, dont bother. you just queue for toilets with wood panelling and have access to an upper class burger van selling local farmed bacon butties for £8 a pop. The vip tent is usually hosted by someone like hed kandi and was full of people with fake tans trying to convince themselves they were mingling with real stars. with the lineup they have, why would you want to stand listening to herd & fitz remixes all day? its only worth it for a quicker entry..
Re: Global 08 VIP Me & John (geordie) went to Global year before last & had VIP. What a load of shite, theres an extra room (if you like) which was a pirate theme, music was crap & the bogs still stunk of piss & shit as the non-vip toilets, would have been gutted if we'd paid but got free tix through John working for Gods - Certainly not worth paying for.
I think it should be illegal to charge extra for VIP tickets and not have a better toilet situation. VIP or not, someone is always gonna think it's funny to have a shit on the floor of a portapotty.
4 hours in the blazing sunshine with a viscous hangvoer/comedown carrying 30kgs of camping shit, i remeber it well.x
It's not all that like, i deffo wouldnt pay for it and havent and if anything probs made money off selling all the tickets i used to get - was same with Hi-Fi as well. Aye the days of flyering town on a packed Sat afternoon after a session and no sleep....
well my brother and his mate went for the full weekend last yr and the consensus was that with their horrendous queueing, tent swimming in muddy water, no sleep and no energy left to fully enjoy the saturday, I probably enjoyed it more overall
2004 & 2005 I went for the Saturday only and was queuing for at least an hour to an hour and a half. Still beats the 3 hours mentioned for the weekend though.
me nd a few others have paid for vip tickets like just cos i was in the q for about 4 hours last year, not sure whats to expect with the vip like.....