they all look heatlhy as fuck, yet another sweetner for TV they mustnt have dared show some real fucked upers
exactly whatever next - last night we were pissing ourselves as they showed you in the studio £10K worth of pure smack, I could just imagine some junkie fuck salivating over that lol kinda puts you off ever trying it though i would think - although they did show you the expressions and faces of the smacked out people - did make you wonder why these people have spent sooo long on it, stolen from family and friends etc just to feel the rush.
its one step from suicide imo people who r so weak to get an addiction have deep mental/life problems b4 drugs came along
so like, someone who was quite stable and good background and that by your rules shouldnt get addicted as they have no other problems? they could overcome the urge to have another go?
its escapism to begin with nothing else. these people are looking to escape from something in their lifes. stable backgrounds dont come into it, someone with a stable background could still be fucked up by something like confidence problems an addiction is a weakness in a persons mental makeup until after a while when it becomes a physical one......even at that stage you should have the balls to be able to stop
Yeh really healthy that guy was throwing up fluroescent green sick...... They were allowed a hit before they went into rehab, I really doubt they'll be healthy after day 3. Did you not watch this or have you just got the stereo typical smack head in mind ?