Good Phone Deals After a new phone/contract. Want loads of texts, at least 1000 and about 200 mins, anyone seen any really good deals recently? Want a E900 I think.
i went intot he 3 shop in toon last week it was £15 for the 1st 6 mths, £30 for the remainder 12 mths. 2000 txts for the 1st 6 mths 1000 txtx for the remainder 600 mins for the 1st 6 mths 300 mins for the remainder dunno what phone's you can get cos i knew what i was after...
i was going to but then orange offered me the same deal so i'm sticking with them 3 are using orange masts too now & looking at their coverage i should've had no probs with them
im looking for a new deal and mobile now too. our lass is on that t-mobile flex plan so might do that too. anyone got the d900, i have the 600 but dunno if there is better ones out .