Goodgreef last night.. Have fun? I thought it was really good. I drank half a litre of vodka in the car on the way there and drank these weird shots once i was in tall trees but they were sick. Thanks to some bloke who bought me a drink randomly otherwise i'd have ended up blowing chunks. I'm sure i was spiked. I felt wrecked as oot and havent had any sleep yet. Nite nite for now. ps. 'Walv' said 'here m8 meet me back here at the end of the nite and i'll take you to Dans house he's having a party. You're mint you m8.' Get in.
Re: Re: Goodgreef last night.. he was happy put it that way I have no idea how i ended up talking to him or how he ended up requesting i come to yours though. I didnt even know who he was :spangled:
oh and rachel(ismadforithewpet as she called herself in my phonebook) said she's sorting tickets for the boat wirth you and said if i wanted one i had to get in touch?
he just talks shit, i can't help myself for example - yesterday he was going on and on about how clever he was and how much more clever he was compared to the rest of us. so i asked him in that case why the fuck did he work part time picking boxes up out of the back of vans, then i think i called him a fat cunt .
John askew set was good tune that should out for me in his set linking people . Marcels set was class good debut @ Tall Trees was on the dance floor for most his set few tunes that stud out in marcels set :----> Marco v - Red purple Marcel woods - Advanced Marcel woods - his mix ov greece 2000 and cherry blossom Dj scott Project only seen half his set so a carnt comment on him but a like them mad words he used at the start lol. Alex Kidd for me probs the best he played at TT even tho am not big fan sound bloke anyway a was talkin to him after it in the hotel and marcel sound bloke also . anyway all in all good nite enjoyed it good way to end 2005