Graduation day!!! Wooop, they day has finally come for me to be all grown up and Graduate, soooo excited and just had to share this with everyone!! :angel3:
i remember concentrating so hard on not falling over when i was walking up to get mine. didn't help that i nearly kept tripping on the back of my gown. congrats and enjoy your day.
yeh reckon it might be pretty dull but I;m sure tonights raz on the toon will make up for it. apparently a mother took Maracas in to the Lawyers graduation yesterday and stood up shaking them madly when her daughter went up on stage!!Lol how embarrassing!!
i know its like the most boring thing ever, they could at least have a few hot bitches on stage to kiss you as congratulations
well I'm just really excited now, had a lush meal last night and so tonight I'm going to be Hammered (though work 9am on fri ouch)
it's a year to the day i graduated it was soooooooooooo hot it was minging in the hall everyone was whooping at all their homies when the black kids went up proper standing up with the fists in the air and everything