Gutted... My dog got put down yesturday Proper gutted mind - He was only a 71/2 month old dalmation... RIP SMUDGE X
Awww, sorry to hear about that Cassie Always sad when Dogs have to get put down...I remember when both of mine did eventually when I was mother was weeping....bless...
It's was for the best 'apparently' He went to stay at my sisters farm for a few days 'cos they got dogs and loadsa land so it's cool for a good run around etc... And Smudge was lay in front of the fire for about an hour when this kid went over and 'just' stroaked him - so i got told, Smudge lashed out!!!! He bit the kid - or as puppies do, nipped the kid! ?? My sisters was on the phone to the RSPCA all day and the vets etc - and they all said put him down! Fucks me off - he was the cutest, daftest, softest dog ever They said if he bites, then he'll do it again and again...
well of course ur dog would have lashed out @ him it would have pissed him off being disturbed while he woz prob sleeping in front of fire , @least u werent the owner of the dog that was brutally murderd in boro 2days ago , theres sum sick c**nts in life that would want to do this !!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: