Hair cut I wanna get my hair cut in the next week or so, the debate is, do I get my fringe cut back in or not? :think: I dont know whether to have it back for summer? :groovy: I quite liked the fringe, Im thinking more yes to it than no Whats everyone else think? x
Fringes dont go down too well in this heat Not looking forward to the state of my fringe in the sweaty clubs this weekend
I do like what it looks like but I was thinking what the girlies have said - this heat does nothing cos it wont stay straight Maybes I should just get my side fringe in again ?xx
Im thinking side fringe for summer and then maybe get it back for the winter when its nice and cold and will stay straight! Cheers people x
yeah thats what I do clip it back its far to hot to have it down...I end up all attractive. Its good though cause it looks different to have it down and clipped back, anyway Rach your hair is always dead straight anyway so you will be fine!
i forgot to get my hair cut when i had an appointment yesterday. it always goes shit in the 3rd week - i wonder if it'll go spectacularly amazing on the fourth? katie - your head is fringeworthy, its looked mint all this time you've had it done - its not like a charver fringe its a very you fringe if you cut it off can i have the hair? i'll glue it to my forehead and die my hair blonde. maybe god made me miss my appointment for this.. :think:
Nass youve gone crazy Thank you for the fringe comments With summer coming im thinking of going sidey fringe!! U can have the hair from the cut dont worry U coming out 2moro?