nothing. Just a nice pleasant letter, giving the date you'll finish (don't forget notice period) - i always thank them , be polite so you#ll always get a glowing reference.
Sick of the place! got uni to sort my opps manager has finally worn me down with his constant trying to put me down in front of everyone even though i do a decent job + my MD has told him on numerous occasions to stop being tosser to me and everyone else, il be the 3rd this week to hand my notice in
goggle "notice letter" for some good examples I tend to go on the sick for 6 months before leaving any job, your mad if u dont
I think my MD knows the main reason im leaving he's in a no win situation if he bollocks or sacks my opps manager then he'll loose a lot of main contractors we work for I had arranged that id leave at 12 for an hour today so i could go to town and withdraw some ££ out over the counter as i had my cards/purse etc stolen last weekend and hes yet to show to cover the office or allow me to leave for some lunch
That's the main reason I'm leaving where I work now, it's crap getting constantly put down even hough yo're doing the job perfectly fine and I'm siging up business every week. That and the fact I work 11 hours a day 5 days a week plus 6 hours every hour other Sat
Either take it then resign, or see if you can cut a deal eg. 4 week notice period, so you only work one week of it.
you could take the 'american beauty' route and ask for a years pay or you'll claim your boss offered to 'blow you to keep your job' not too sure how that'd work with you being a girlie an that tho!
Surely you would have to pay back your holiday allowance if you use it up? e.g. leave on June 1st, you get 25 days holiday, you will owe them 12.5 days holiday and will have to pay 12.5 days worth of your wages back.
the thing is if i dont take my holidays i loose them if the guys dont take there holidays they get it paid into a fund mean i work with 65+ lads im the only lass think its a piss take imo but they reckon its not
most days im in 6am - 5pm i dont work weekends but thats enough hours Hope you get a better job with better people