handy tip for steamed mirrors that works isnt it a nightmare when u about to go out but u just had a shower or bath and the window in bathroom all steamed up, all you do is put a little bit of washing up liquid on a cloth and rub it over mirror, the steam stops away, amazing or what!! and another trick if u got hiccups swallow a teaspoon of vinegar works every time
I told someone that about the soap and they just laughed and went how the hell can SOAP stop it from steaming up? I hope they have the steamiest mirrors ever.
I always just give the mirror a quick rub with some soap before getting a shave. Stops it steaming up - cant go wrong
open the fucking window, or if you don't have a window open the door and run the cold tap, goes in about two seconds
Jeff used to write "unholy shit" on steamed up hotel mirrors with a soapy finger tip, then leave it to dry and go invisible for the next sucker to get out of a hot shower