Hang Fire - Illness!!! Following my 24hr bout of flu which swiftly disappeared over night i now have NO voice, i started losing it with the flu like symptoms i was coming down with but i gradually lost it over the weekend and is making no signs of improvement!!! It's funny cos i work in a call centre, so all i can do is paperwork!!! GET IN!!!
i had exactly the same thing last week started with really bad flu for 2 days then lost my voice for 3 days but felt ok then had what seemed to be another virus making me bedridden for another 3 days, now to top it off iv got about 8 ulcers on the roof of my mouth and down the back of my throat so eating isnt an option! im not the only one to have this sequence of illnesses round here so it might be in the air!
Shit, Ive had cold since yesterday and I dont wana lose my voice for my holiday!! :cry2: Its bad enuf snotting all over
I'm on the mend now i think, apart from the voice thing i'm fine.....the flu thing only lasted a day and i haven't needed any time of work. Even though i do work in a call centre and cant speak! lol
Re: Re: Hang Fire - Illness!!! It fealt like i was coming down with flu, like genuine flu....i was aching like buggery from head to toe and my head was all over the place, it certainly wasnt a cold, i know that much, after all i didnt have runny nose etc. but yet the following morning it vanished.......so no explanation for it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Hang Fire - Illness!!! On a friday at work...........?????? Get a grip, am not a junkie!