Hard House - Monkey Music I used to be massively into hard house, i loved most tunes and liked the harder faster side of it.... then recently i realised, this is actually a pile of repetitive steaming poo. I went to see Mark Maitland at promise cos He is one of the best Djs ive seen, i used to love his sets... Then i ended up going home early cos the mindless noise was doing my head in, i had been dancing for 2 hours to what turned out to be a repetitive load of crap. Dont get me wrong, Mark, your mixing is seamless, Im guessing its all more "Techno" now, which is okay in doses, but again... it just goes nowhere. At least with Trance i can see a bit of a change from tune to tune, a change of pace, a change of mood in the music. It looks like ive finally twigged on chaps. It is indeed "Monkey Music" as its often called on here. I Still love the classic HH and Techno stuff, but most of what ive heard recently is just like :bang:
I downloaded Mark Maitlands March mix to see if it was just me being wierd on the night..... I listened to most of it, the mixing.... again spot on. The Tunes.... Again, All too similar, all too repetitive, and Altho it has a start... and an end, there is no middle of any meaning. I cant believe im saying this , hard house used to be my main outlet. This might make u frown on me... but i much prefer hardcore to this stuff
i aint liked hardhouse for a long while now but dtill aint into house or prog im happy with trance tbf
Re: Re: Hard House - Monkey Music You have Proteus and Mark EG in your sig, I went and saw both at Magna last time and i enjoyed it immensely... But it doesnt detract me from my point that most stuff sounds way too similar, moreso than it used to! I would love a HH night with some classics like Tony De Vit stuff, and Heavens cry etc, That was when HH was worth listening to. That was hard house that your mother could actually hear you playing upstairs and think... hmm... it actually has a bit of a melody and a vocal... Stuff at the minute just goes bosh bosh bosh. It boxes my head right in
luckily most of the photo's that exist from back then were before the time when digi cameras were the norm and they have now been consigned to someones dodgy clubbing photo album and are not freely available on the net.
I have never ever liked HH - i have never been too a HH night either, i used to go to Rockshots on a Saturday night but that was more of a variation Suppose i will never like it really
with you on that, it was more fun having a few disposables and then having to endure the fear of going to a developers to pick up the prints not having the foggiest what states lurked within!
yeh i used to love it when it was bouncy and fun, i sometimes have a listen to my older stuff for a laugh, could never take it seriously tho lab-4 still get the petes vote tho
I agree with that Pete , There are people within the genre who produce performances with energetic music. Lab 4, Mark EG, Proteus, Captain Tinrib etc. They play music that is a mix of "go somewhere" HH and Hard Trance etc, yet They PERFORM, which makes it far more entertaining. I dunno what Maitland is playing these days, what is it?, All Techno?. Hard House looks pretty much dead. Tunes like Hostile, Ear Drums and Punk etc are a rarity. Please mark, show us how things should be