Has anyone changed uni after second year? Basically i hate my course now that im in 3rd year. Loads of programming and software related shite that im not even remotely interested in. Im thinking about quitting my course (i think it gets me something like an HND as ive done 2 years?) and then enrolling on a 1 year top up course in January to get my BSc honours degree. Has anybody done this? What considerations are there? And how does it affect student loan? Thanks.
itle be a HNC, you get the diploma after 1 years worth of shit. you should be ok to transfer cos you'll have your ucas points, not sure about the situation with your SLoan, might be able to get a topup. the course im doing is a topup to a BSC as i took 2 years out to become bone idle and earn peanuts
Cheers! I have no intention of taking time out like, it's just that i've seen an Applied Computing course at Northumbria that has enrolment in January aswell as September. There are loads of module choices and there are options that i would choose that would be of far greater interest and practical benefit to a future career. If i carry on the way i am im not gona fulfill my potential and have a degree in whats basically programming. So I would go in January if i can - ain't gona lose sleep over 4 months.
im doing BSC Applied Business Computing at first i thought it was wank, but then i realised how important it would be and im actually enjopying it now, you do project management and artifical intelligence n stuff similar. will come in handy for the future especially in a business role
This 1-year full-time programme comprising of four core modules, including an individual project and project management and professional issues, plus optional modules. Students may choose a programme of study to suit both their prior knowledge and their career aspirations. In addition, students must attend a bridging programme prior to the start of the academic programme providing a mix of academic, cultural, social and transitional activities. Optional subjects may include: # Modelling and design # Effective systems development # Java computing # Advanced databases # Data warehousing # Advanced programming models # Intelligent systems # Web database systems # Information Security # Social and current issues in computing # Multimedia # Applied computer networks so the network/security/database options would appeal to me....but i wonder what the other 2 core modules are.....
hmm...frankly i wan't absolutely noting at all to do with software development/engineering other than web database systems in php/mysql for example. Object Oriented shite
I'd suck it in and finish it off, or take the hnd and get a job. Either way your uni course will mean sod all for your career, and will only just probably help you get an interview. You'll start on a pittance salary either way before you get practical real world experience. I wouldnt worry too much.
Ah but i still would; i'm not thinking of jacking in uni, just about changing courses. True that it's only 6 months but i'd rather be doing something more interesting. Brid - I've done a placement year as a Systems Admin, but I know what you are saying!
I jacked in my first degree in the second year, did a second degree and still had to go back to college to get my current job. neither of my degrees lead directly to a career path, so I just chalked it up to useful life experience and thank fook I'm on the old student loan system which requires you to earn about £5k a month before you start repaying. If I had my time again I would either not bother with uni or pick a big-bucks option - doctor, lawyer etc.
i do u lot always go on about how much money u havent got yet u go out all teh time and waste ure student loans, i know quite a few students with jobs and they work long crappy hours but most of u lot dont and its a fucking disgrace and paying back student loan is ridiculous
Whats a 'disgrace' about it - if someone wants to get themselves into debt while studying and pays it back (for the next 20 odd years) ... then thats their personal choice. I dont see how its a disgrace .... dumb maybe.