had a belter two nights on the toon, jack daniels, colombia, women and i drove a fast as fuck car. now im skint and ive lost me wallet, shit happenz eh
been shit lost at cards on friday, did nothing last night and have had a completely unproductive day of uni work today bring on next weekend
aye was quite canny.... trying to sort out my shit today & have cleared out a canny bit but have less space than what i did before :think:
I seized/cramped up real bad on way back from London, all is well now though. It's gonna hurt in the morning though!
had a really good weekend, done absolutely nothing, had a rare weekend off for once, jus stayed in, watched all the football that was on tv, had a smoke and chilled
mine been okay river bar then engagement party friday free beer at bens last night and some awesome tucker been bowling today, think we broke the national record for highest team game. i got 279 my partner got 290. 22 strikes between us from a possible 24 fecked now like
well proud you did the marathon (it was u wasn't it) you're either braver or more stoopid than me....can't decide which tho
Thanks again people, the furthest I travelled was from bed to fridge today Don't feel too bad, just aching a little. Thanks Ian