Has To Be Done! When I was looking for the Creamfields set times before I came across a post Lee made about Creamfields and this is what Jon had to say on the matter "how I long to be mugged by 20 little scouse twats for my mobile phone. to be trodden on for hours by a cockney ket monkey on a pogo stick whilst listening to an over rated DJ playing all the tunes I knew he would. to be stranded @ 6 in the morning without a single functioning brain cell to calculate where the bus was when we left it, or how to get rid of the random who has followed you since 2 in the morning because you gave him a bit of chewing gum. to be conned into paying £10 for a shit bit of card to hang round your neck with the set times on, by the time night falls you can't see well enough to read. the chemical bogs, the bar running out of water, the over priced t-shirt you buy then promptly loose on another mission for a bottle of water. The memories, I love festivals me enjoy" :clap: :worship: What an excellent sum up...
If you had a photo of my face when me and Mack were @ Creamfields and i was watching this mass kick off Johnny had me on a harness, like them little todlers hav. "Come here, you will be alreet"
Its fucking spot on all that though. It is literally, like a horror film when you just stand and watch it. Only difference is the monsters gurn more.
I remember that, everyone wanted to blow and wanted to stay and watch the Royal slapping this kid was getting them were the days I will never do Creamfields again after the stabbing I seen
not so much stabbed but cut, was a blue on blue with two rival scouser gangs. I was trollied in the middle of it...needless to say I called a taxi sharpish
I went to Creamfields last year for the first time adn had an amazing time, we had bk stage passes for radio one and mix mag, so we hung out with the dj's all night, wehey!!!
I always find a way to blag things haha, just blagged Charlie from Serious's head for a bit and we met him there.