Hayfever It's the pits. Been up all night the last 3 nights and feel like I'm gonna drop dead at any moment! Akkkkkkkkk!!!
Mine is driving me crazy right now, although i think im only allergic to tree pollen so it seems to suddenly stop half way through summer thankfully. Doing my nut in right now - eyes are permanently watering, itching and i get sneezing fits. Worst thing is that i only got hayfever when i was 18 - just goes to show what pollution is doing to us all. aaargh!
Ditto! Only started to get it about 4 or 5 years ago... I have to change the type of tabelts I take every few weeks as well coz they just seem to stop working!
just got some ultra strong tablets from the doctor coz mine started up the other day and feeling fresh as a daisy.... sorry to boast! HINT.... dont spend upto £10 in chemists for 7-10 tablets... go to the docs and get 28 on prescription for £5 if you have to pay.... FREE if you don't!
I bought some tablets a few weeks ago and when they kicked in i felt like i was on the gary abblets - it was horrendous when your out shopping and you have to make your g/f hold everything cause you think your gonna drop it if you hold it.... what the heck do they put in that stuff!? Have to stick to my barely working fixonase nasal spray right now
not quite sure whats in them, just know that i'm floatin round ma desk at work, feelin quite wrecked!!! no sneezin, gritty eyes etc. though so not all bad!!
i get the itchiest eyes in the world, its horrible its killing me the day doesnt help that the gardener outside our work in the garden is cutting our grass at this precise moment god help me
I don't take the tablets anymore coz of the side effects. I get so tired and plus, the tablets don't kick in for weeks. I let the dog out the front for about 2 mins last night and within 5 mins of being back in the house I couldn't stop sneezing. Not impressed!
mines total bad atm aswell. eyes go red as fuck and water loads. nose runs like a tap. doesnt help living right next to loads of oil seed rape fields and trees. doesnt stop me from sleeping tho.
I don't get hayfever but my youngest brother does, its not nice seeing him cry because of the weather
I sneeze a load more, specially with the door open at work, but never get grief with my eyes. Must be fairly shit