well i can still see but theyve puffed up quite a bit if their no better by tomorrow il pop to the doctors saves me looking like a panda
mine used to be quite mild but last year it got nasty, hopefully i can nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand did you use any alternatives to what has been stated above?
you'll only have it while the particular plants pollen that you are allergic too is around, so sometimes it can last all summer, sometimes just a couple of weeks. i usually suffer quite bad but it hasnt started yet. its also linked with air pollution, especially from traffic, so living/working in an area within the city centre could make your symptoms worse. in fact my hayfever is much worse around roads. a decent idea is to eat locally produced honey in the weeks leading up to summer so your body gets used to doses of local pollens from within the honey thus helping you to combat it easier... apparently anyway.
You can get local honey from a little shop in the grainger market, its on the left as you go in the entrance opp the old safeway eldon square and sells cheese and herbs. And honey