hehehe Two bits of black dirty Tarmac were drinking in a Pub and telling the landlord how hard they are....The pub doors burst open and in walks a big bit of Green Tarmac....the two black bits run and hide in the toilet....the green bit drinks his pint and leaves....the two black bits come back into the bar,shaking...."I thought you were hard?"says the landlord... "We are" they say "but hes a fucking Cycle-path"
sounds like....... theres two Strepsils sat drinkin in a bar both goin on bout how hard they are when a Lockets strolls in, the two strepsils leg to the bog while the locket has his pint and leaves, when the barman asks em why they hid they say.... we're hard but hes fuckin Menthol
I love jokes like that <textbook> a man walks into a bar OUCH it was an iron bar </textbook> still makes me laugh
and one that ALWAYS confuses ppl!!! Q: Whats brown and sticky? A: Toffee --- they obviously expect u to say a stick! Q: Whats yellow and sticky? A: A yellow stick! :blush:
say these sentance to someone in your house and get them to repeat them (dont let them see them written down or it wont work) "One smart fellow , he felt smart Two smart fellows , they both felt smart Three smart fellows , they all felt smart but the original fellow he felt the smartest"