Hello from Vegas Hi guys, Just thought I would log in to say hello. !!! I'm having a blast over here. The nightlife is excellent over here but soooo strict for ID They ask you everywhere you go Clubs, Bars and Casinos Don't know what it is but whenever I pass a wedding chappel I want to get married.(But I won't do a Britney) Went to the Statasphere Hotel last night and went on the Big Shot. It's a bit like the playstation in Blackpool but suspended on a High !!!!! hotel:sick: . Soooo scary when it shoots up then down you think you are going to fall. Bye !!!!!! I'll have loads of lovely pics for you's when I get back.
If you get to check this board before you leave.....go to the MGM Casino! If only to see the White Tigers, they're lush! (even though I didn't see them, I saw photos cos I was too late ) Also on the ID thing - places in America all have signs saying "We ID anyone who looks under 40yrs old" - guess it's a good idea though! PS. Not hard to find the MGM Casino, if you go through New York, New York, and upstairs near the Coyote Ugly bar there's an exit which takes you to a bridge across the strip, go across and you're straight in there